God has no Grandchildren!

Wow!  I just spent 20 minutes talking from my heart and “my computer” dumped it all!

I wonder, was it a computer glitch or God saying REFOCUS?  Hmmmm, I wonder.

I created this blog to share my faith, one of the most priceless and dearest gifts of my life.  Probably the most frustrating part of my life is my inability to convey to others just how precious and vital my faith is to my being.  Now I have grandchildren and am seeking ways to impart my faith to them.

There are epoch moments in my life, engraved in my brain and soul, that I can take you to with words.  These moments either by my choices or God’s hand, have made me who I am today. The Bible talks about Mary, the mother of Jesus, pondering moments in her heart.  I too, ponder.  Life gives us incredible moments that take our breath away and other moments that make us question our deepest being.  Live long enough and you will experience every emotion from joy to grief. I hope to share some of these moments and hopefully my faith will add to your journey.

Which brings me back to God and Grandchildren.  We receive an instruction sheet or manual for everything we own, except our children.  They come into our lives and we have such high hopes for them.  As life progresses and day to day events unwind, we start to adjust our expectations.  I have always believed in standards and had certain expectations for behavior ever since I was a child.  These were not taught to me as I had no positive or consistent role models.  I learned very young to look to God for help whenever I had a question.  God and I discussed myself many times.  I tried to apply this method to my children, but as they so often tell me, they are not like me.  My higher calling also makes me more introspective than most,  so I am very aware.

How do we impart our faith or the things we hold most precious to our children?  When they are little. it is so easy.  You can tuck a toddler under your arm kicking and screaming and take them anywhere you want them to go.  Teenagers are tougher to move, but parents still have some leverage on their choices.  By the time these tiny helpless beings become adults, you are finished.  All I can do as a parent is love mine as they make their own choices.  Believe me, if asked, I have something to say!  As I said before, my children are not like me, so they rarely ask what I think (laugh break).

Here I am – pondering and wondering: just how do I convey the depth of and preciousness of my faith to my children?  Then I realized, God has no Grandchildren!

God has no grandchildren because every person and every generation has to find Him for themselves.  Sometimes this means a prodigal’s journey – remember I said something earlier about adjusting expectations.  A wise person once said, “Some of us learn from others and the rest of us are the others” (source unknown).  As my heart ponders, I wonder.



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